Thursday, June 21, 2012


It is still ZOMG hot.  I didn't have to be in court this morning, so I carefully snuck myself out from under the baby at 6am and headed to Heartsong Yoga for their awesome 7am Morning YogaFlow class.

When I got home the munchkin was still sleeping in bed next to Micah, but when I started moving around the bedroom he began to stir so I got him up and ready for the day.  Micah had a work meeting this morning so it was the Munchkin and I for the morning.  Once Micah came home from his meeting we headed to the mall on a quest for a kiddie pool and a few other things.  We found a decent sized, not-to- expensive pool but didn't get much else on our list.

The baby napped in the car, so instead of waking him we drove around a little longer and picked up some burritos to go from a local place, Bueno y Sano before heading home. Rice, beans, and guacamole... how can you go wrong?

After some debate about where to put it, Micah and I set up the kiddie pool on the lawn and got the munchkin in it to try and cool off.  He wasn't so sure what to make of it, and was only really interested in it if he was able to sit on my lap.  He did start to splash the water which eventually led to being a little more daring and walking around and splashing with both hands.  Tomorrow is also supposed to be pretty hot so I think we will try again and see if he gets even more adventurous.

This evening was the first of this year's Hartford Marathon Foundation's X-Treme Scramble 5ks.   I did it with our friend Laurel, while Ian and Connor cheered us on.  It was a billion degrees but the race crew was super prepared to keep everyone safe.  They altered the course slightly to keep it in the shade as much as possible, they had plenty of water stops, and had a wonderfully refreshing water misting tent at the finish line.  We took it slow, not going for any records, but had a great time.  I just love races, and HMF always does a great job.  There is something about the energy of a road race that always puts me in a good mood... especially road races that end in free beer!

 Enjoying a post-race snack.  I never eat without sharing anymore. 

Hanging with Dad-E

Munchkin's turn to run!

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